Hoosier Hoedown
Please check back here for information on our Fourteenth Annual Hoosier Hoedown, taking place in January of 2026!
If you are interested in judging or have any questions, please contact our tournament directors -Hannah Moore and Genevieve Horvath at iumocktrialtournament@gmail.com
Invitational ‘25
Mock Trial at Indiana University was honored to host the thirteenth annual Hoosier Hoedown in January of 2025.
Teams from the following schools competed at the 2025 Hoosier Hoedown:
Case Western Reserve University
University of Dayton
Eastern Kentucky University
Hillsdale College
University of Illinois - Chicago
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Indiana University
University of Iowa
University of Kentucky
University of Michigan
University of Notre Dame
Vanderbilt University
Wheaton College
University of Wisconsin -Madison
Vanderbilt University
Xavier University